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Thursday, May 15, 2014

When Baby-Mama’s Attack: Mothers of man's two children attack with tasers when a third woman comes in picture; dag

I don’t normally use the term “baby-mama,” except when I’m quoting from a police report.  A South Carolina man, post a massive tasing from two women, told police that  his “baby’s mama” attacked him in her bedroom.  Here’s how it went down for Rodrick Tucker, 21, of Spartanburg, South Carolina, according to The Smoking Gun, quoting as they do from awesome police reports:  He got a call from Tabitha Martin, who is the mother to his first child.  He came over and she invited him into her bedroom, and he thought he was going to get it on.  He’s a self-described “Certified Sex Specialist” according to his Facebook page.  For real. That’s what Tucker lists as his occupation.  He was about to go to work.
Ladies, get your tasers and whoop some butt
Then, once he was lying on Martin’s bed and things were about to get real Courtney Littlejohn, his “other baby’s mama” entered the bedroom.  Perhaps for a Certified Sex Specialist, this is how things go normally.  Perhaps he has a degree from Velvet’s School of Technology for that certification.  It seems the certification was only an Associates, and definitely not a masters. He certainly is not a Doctor of Love, because, once Littlejohn came in, the women yanked him off the bed and began “repeatedly punching him in the face and head.” 

He escaped the bedroom, but then was “again knocked to the floor.”  Littlejohn sat on top of him, and then, instead of throwing off some romantic verses to settle the women down, the women started to tase him, repeatedly.

He got up and then grabbed one of his babies to use as a shield, thinking that if the women saw the fruits of their love, they might stop the attack.  Associates, or perhaps just home-school degree.  Because the women “continued to swing at him until he finally gave the baby to Ms. Martin” according to the police report. 

He fled and called the police and explained that the believed that Martin and Littlejohn were mad at him because he has a new girlfriend.  That’s entirely possible.  It may be justified.  It may justify a sneak-attack tasing.  But, ladies, if you get with a man who advertises himself as a “Certified Sex Specialist” and get pregnant by him, he’s probably going to continue to ply his trade. I could see Martin being especially pissed.  We don’t know now if Tucker got his degree before or after he hooked up with Martin.  But Littlejohn, when you’re number two, you gotta figure there is gonna be a number three. 

No word on whether Tucker’s Specialist certificate is going to get revoked.

Full story, pictures from The Smoking Gun.

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