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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Protip: Drug Dealers Shouldn’t Take Selfies or Police Will Arrest and Mock You

We’ve said it before.  We’ve offered the protip: drug dealers shouldn’t take selfies with product. And they really shouldn’t post said-selfie to Facebook. And, really, we’re stretching the protips to ridiculous levels here, you should never mock the police on Facebook, because you’re just begging them to arrest you and mock you back, where you then get mocked all over the internet, including this site. Taylor Harrison, you are hereby mocked for failing to heed the series of protips.  You are a rank amateur.
Taylor Harrison, selfies gone wrong
According to WPBF, Taylor Harrison though he was big time.  Though he was a baller and shot caller. Perhaps he had 20-inch blades on his Impala.  What he definitely has is an epic chest tattoo which would make any plausible denial impossible. He also had a load of drugs in his lap when he had someone take a picture of him, or he set up his phone camera to take a picture of himself with drugs sitting next to a Martin County Florida Sheriff’s deputy car, to show how hard-core he is and how easy it apparently was to deal in Martin County.  Not shrewd.  Then he posted it to Facebook.  Less shrewd still.  The police saw it.  No telling how.  Perhaps it was a public post.  Perhaps he’s friends with the police on Facebook.  He has failed so many basic criminality tests, he may well be friends with the Martin County Sheriff’s Department on Facebook.

He posted the picture and the Sheriff got him, and posted pictures of his mugshot and arrest report on their Facebook page.  Well-played.  Here’s their quote:  "Since Taylor was kind of enough to share photos of us on his Facebook page, we thought we would share these photos of Taylor on our page,"  MCSO posted on its Facebook page Friday.  Strong and hilarious.

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