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Monday, April 21, 2014

Arizona Sisters Brawl with Officers at Walmart After Attempted Theft of Chicken Wings

A pair of sisters who should immediately move to Florida were arrested at a Flagstaff, Arizona Walmart after brawling with police.  The brawl was allegedly precipitated by employees at the Walmart recognizing them as suspects in a chicken wing theft from a local Albertson’s grocery store. 

Either the Arizona NCAA Riot or Flagstaff Walmart
That’s hard to believe, but the Arizona Daily Sun reported it.  It’s hard to believe that an APB on chicken-wing theft went out in Flagstaff, Arizona and that Walmart employees called it in and a brawl erupted. I’m going with a different hypothesis. I think the sisters were still pissed about the pitiful play of Kaleb Tarczewski of the Arizona Wildcats, who got rolled over by the Wisconsin Badgers in the tournament.  I mean, how are you seven feet tall and don’t get any rebounds.  Doesn’t make any sense.  Doesn’t make any sense that a kid who was ranked ninth in the country coming out of high school is so soft, or that Sean Miller has continued to play Tarczewski for two years. It makes about as much sense as a chicken-wing APB in Arizona.

Had this taken place in Florida, it would make total sense.  In Florida, they’d probably bring out the armored personal carrier that the Plantation police just bought.

No, these sisters were apparently auditioning for an extradition to Florida.  While one officer was questioning one sister about her earlier being banned from Walmart (how does that happen?, seriously, do you know who shops there, what do you have to do to get banned from Walmart?) the sister lunged at the officer and scratched his face.  The sister has some jiu jitsu skills, though, and managed to wiggle free once she was wrestled to the ground and preceded to repeatedly kick the male officer in the groin.  She then tried to grab his junk, so the officer hit her in the face.  Oh, if only Tarczewski showed so much heart in the struggle.  It would have been a different tournament.

At some point in this all-star melee, the younger sister, amidst the groin kicking, managed to grab her police-interview card and eat it.  Strong.  Her older sister first attacked the male officer, then used a three-year old as a human shield.

It all came to and end when the police threatened to taser the younger sister.  Seriously.  They didn’t utilize the taser prior to the groin-kicking, face punching, information-card eating, baby shielding melee.  After, AFTER that, they haul out the “don’t tase me bro” card.  Seems like it should have come out earlier.  Sort of like Tarczewski playing some D.  But, I’m still butt-hurt about the tournament and need to move on to the NBA playoffs, like these women need to move on to Target, or at least to Orlando.  Orlando would be a good choice.

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