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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Florida Evidence Dilemma: Biohazard due to Hiding Evidence in Sunshine State

Here’s a law school evidence class hypo  we didn’t get at UT, what do you do when the officer witnesses a certain sum of money in a suspect’s wallet, then, for matters discussed later, can’t or won’t verify the amount before trial?  Does the officer simply swear to the amount he saw in the wallet that wasn’t there later?  Does the defendant claim the money was gone or there was less?  Does it matter when a statute, like a drug statute, has graduated penalties for certain amounts of drugs sold? 

Tyrone Booker - nastily sticking it to the Man
Here’s the real world application of that hypo: According to First Coast News, Tyrone Booker was arrested in a drug sting in Jacksonville when an officer in the sting was struck by a car.  Booker was placed in the back seat of a police cruiser.  The officer observed “about $300 in the suspect’s wallet” but apparently didn’t take it away before putting Booker in the back seat.  The officer apparently then went to roust other suspects. The officers returned and the money – the fruits of the alleged drug dealing (aka the evidence) – was missing.  Officers searched the vehicle but the money wasn’t found.

The officers took Booker to jail.  Booker was booked and strip searched, and still no money.  At this point, no drugs, no money.  Booker is looking pretty good.  Then it got bad.  Nasty bad.

Officers looked at the video, because nowadays there’s always video in the cars.  In the cars facing out, COPS-style, and facing in on the back seat, §1983 Civil Rights lawsuit style.  The camera inside the cruiser showed Booker spitting on his fingers and then moving around in his pants a bunch of times.

Officers confronted Booker again and told him the next step – since they had already strip searched him (and strip searched, for those who aren’t privy to this, means they made him drop his pants and spread his cheeks) was to take him to the Emergency Room for an involuntary colon x-ray or CAT scan to see what and how far up his butt the money was. 

Let’s pause for a moment for the gravity of this situation.  Tyrone Booker had shoved the money so farup his butt that it was not visible from I’m assuming was a pretty involved strip search.  Tyrone, you’re nasty.

Tyrone then got the money out.  First Coast News does not report how he got it out and I’m not going to speculate.  First Coast News does report that “Due to the money being covered in biohazard, it was not counted and the JSO funds could not be verified.”

At some point, someone is going to have to count the money that Mr. Booker shoved so far up his butt that it was a medical issue.  And that person will undoubtedly decide that his job is not at all like that of those people on CSI Miami.  Those guys on CSI Miami are never counting money covered in crap from a low-level drug sting.  That job just sucks.  David Caruso does not have that job.  Someone has that job because at some point the officer can’t come into court and say that he saw “about $300” in the wallet. 

Tyrone Booker, you stuck it to the Man. In a small way, you did. You stuck it to yourself in the process, true.  And you’re nasty. But you stuck it to the Man.

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