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Monday, May 26, 2014

Oh yes, that jail time is worth it: French father facing trial for illegally extraditing his daughter’s killer

Some of us have said things like, “I’d do jail time for that” when we’ve seen injustice.  When it occurs to your family, the need to see justice done is even greater.  For a 76 year-old man in France, Andre Bamberski, it was too much to see his daughter’s convicted killer (convicted in France) living in Germany, with Germany refusing to extradite him, according to a story in the Montreal Gazette

Andre Bamberski (on left)
Here’s the backstory on the German who was forcibly, illegally, extradited from France; which is technically kidnapping when it isn’t done through a court.  Retired doctor Deiter Krombach was convicted of the 1982 death of Bamberski’s 15 year-old daughter, Kalinka. The 79 year-old Krombach was accused, and convicted of giving her a dangerous injection so he could rape the young girl.  The injection and rape was “intentional violence that led to unintentional death” or our version of manslaughter.

Krombach was tried in abstentia because he fled to Germany.  And there he sat for a decade because a German court refused to honor the French judgment, saying there was insufficient evidence.  So, more than 20 years later, Bamberski had had enough and hired thugs to kidnap the retired doctor and bring him to France and deposit him, tied up, on the courthouse steps, where he was summarily identified and put in jail.

Bamberski then had to face the music for hiring kidnappers. His trail has started in France and he faces ten years, which, I bet he believes is worth it.  This is probably the least violent form of vigilate justice I can think of.  He deposited a convicted man on the courthouse steps, when another justice system (ostensibly in the EU, and part of the borderless Europe) would not extradite him. This has apparently caused some to question how much cooperation there really is in the EU.

By the way, Krombach had a track record.  His medical license was suspended in Germany after a 1997 conviction for drugging and raping a 16 year old girl in his office.  He pleaded guilty and got a two-year suspended sentence, which is insanely light. Which would have likely pushed Bamberski further.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

When Baby-Mama’s Attack: Mothers of man's two children attack with tasers when a third woman comes in picture; dag

I don’t normally use the term “baby-mama,” except when I’m quoting from a police report.  A South Carolina man, post a massive tasing from two women, told police that  his “baby’s mama” attacked him in her bedroom.  Here’s how it went down for Rodrick Tucker, 21, of Spartanburg, South Carolina, according to The Smoking Gun, quoting as they do from awesome police reports:  He got a call from Tabitha Martin, who is the mother to his first child.  He came over and she invited him into her bedroom, and he thought he was going to get it on.  He’s a self-described “Certified Sex Specialist” according to his Facebook page.  For real. That’s what Tucker lists as his occupation.  He was about to go to work.
Ladies, get your tasers and whoop some butt
Then, once he was lying on Martin’s bed and things were about to get real Courtney Littlejohn, his “other baby’s mama” entered the bedroom.  Perhaps for a Certified Sex Specialist, this is how things go normally.  Perhaps he has a degree from Velvet’s School of Technology for that certification.  It seems the certification was only an Associates, and definitely not a masters. He certainly is not a Doctor of Love, because, once Littlejohn came in, the women yanked him off the bed and began “repeatedly punching him in the face and head.” 

He escaped the bedroom, but then was “again knocked to the floor.”  Littlejohn sat on top of him, and then, instead of throwing off some romantic verses to settle the women down, the women started to tase him, repeatedly.

He got up and then grabbed one of his babies to use as a shield, thinking that if the women saw the fruits of their love, they might stop the attack.  Associates, or perhaps just home-school degree.  Because the women “continued to swing at him until he finally gave the baby to Ms. Martin” according to the police report. 

He fled and called the police and explained that the believed that Martin and Littlejohn were mad at him because he has a new girlfriend.  That’s entirely possible.  It may be justified.  It may justify a sneak-attack tasing.  But, ladies, if you get with a man who advertises himself as a “Certified Sex Specialist” and get pregnant by him, he’s probably going to continue to ply his trade. I could see Martin being especially pissed.  We don’t know now if Tucker got his degree before or after he hooked up with Martin.  But Littlejohn, when you’re number two, you gotta figure there is gonna be a number three. 

No word on whether Tucker’s Specialist certificate is going to get revoked.

Full story, pictures from The Smoking Gun.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Protip: Drug Dealers Shouldn’t Take Selfies or Police Will Arrest and Mock You

We’ve said it before.  We’ve offered the protip: drug dealers shouldn’t take selfies with product. And they really shouldn’t post said-selfie to Facebook. And, really, we’re stretching the protips to ridiculous levels here, you should never mock the police on Facebook, because you’re just begging them to arrest you and mock you back, where you then get mocked all over the internet, including this site. Taylor Harrison, you are hereby mocked for failing to heed the series of protips.  You are a rank amateur.
Taylor Harrison, selfies gone wrong
According to WPBF, Taylor Harrison though he was big time.  Though he was a baller and shot caller. Perhaps he had 20-inch blades on his Impala.  What he definitely has is an epic chest tattoo which would make any plausible denial impossible. He also had a load of drugs in his lap when he had someone take a picture of him, or he set up his phone camera to take a picture of himself with drugs sitting next to a Martin County Florida Sheriff’s deputy car, to show how hard-core he is and how easy it apparently was to deal in Martin County.  Not shrewd.  Then he posted it to Facebook.  Less shrewd still.  The police saw it.  No telling how.  Perhaps it was a public post.  Perhaps he’s friends with the police on Facebook.  He has failed so many basic criminality tests, he may well be friends with the Martin County Sheriff’s Department on Facebook.

He posted the picture and the Sheriff got him, and posted pictures of his mugshot and arrest report on their Facebook page.  Well-played.  Here’s their quote:  "Since Taylor was kind of enough to share photos of us on his Facebook page, we thought we would share these photos of Taylor on our page,"  MCSO posted on its Facebook page Friday.  Strong and hilarious.